1.Besides your lips,where is your favourite spot to get kissed? by whom?
ish rahsia daa..hehe ^_^ sape lagi kalu bukan my hubby(tggu kawin la gatal)
2.How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
rasa mengntuk sgt n rse nk tdo blik..
3.Who was the last person you take a photo with?
dengan siti fatimah mse bergmbr dgn burung yg telah mati
4.Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
5.Would you donate blood?
aku setakat nie xpenah lgi la doate blood. kalo ada peluang nk kot..
6.Have you ever had a best friend who is of the oppossite sex
ada ada..ramai. siti fatimah, siti hajar, faeza, tuan nor sidiq, umairah, didie, amirul
7.Do you want someone dead?
erm i dont think so.
8.What does your last text message said?
okey papai..
9.What are thinking of right now?
erm byk sgt pkir smpai pale aku nie pening..
10.Do you wish someone was with you now?
11.What time did you go to sleep last night?
kul 4 lebih
12.Where did you buy the tshirt you are wearing now?
i get when i go camping at songkhla thailand..
13.Is someone on your mind right now?
yes yes.. of course
14.Who was the last person who text you?
15.Peoples tagged to do this quiz:
16.Who is you are having relationship with?
hahahaahaha.....pening gak soalan nie..
17.Is no.3 is male or female?
female aka pompuan
18.If no.7 and no.10 get together,will it be a good thing?
xkn la kot sebaba diorg pon xkenal
19.What is no.1 studying about?
dah xstady dh..dh keje dh skrng..keje accauntant
20.Is no.4 single?
i dont know la..
21.Say something about no.2
erm hope akk berjaya disana
22.What do you think of no.3 and no.6 get together?
i dont thnk so coz there are 2 is female..maybe can be a frenz
23.Describe no.9
a female n my frenz at unimap
24.What will you do if no.6 and 7 fight?
aku akan cuba untuk damaikn balik diorg nie drpd gaduh
25.Do you like no.8?
of course la...coz she is my frenz.
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comeiinya pose nie .
siap kene describe gitu .
wawa . :)
ha tau xper....
nme pon tag..
aik mal..maen copy paste gak jwpan yg first tag tu..siapade gmbar smiley aku lg
aaa 1 lg tag. sekarang ni kngah ade 5 tag yg tetunggak. tp tag kali ni bes jugak nak jawab
k.ngah : pelagi jawap jgn xjawap plak yer...
cdiq : hehehehee..ayat 1st 2 aku xtau la nk jawap per..
mal mne ciken cop nie??
rase cm dh xder hrpan jer utk sem nie
sem nie xda kot...
sem dpan la diq cmnie..
leh ke tunggu...
dh agak dah..yg tahun lps punya pn dah tertunggak dh..
yela korg kuar mkn ngan korg2 jer..bkn nak ajak aku..so biler ang dpt nk blnje aku
xperla mal..aku halalkan jer..nnti nmpk sgt cam aku kempunan
ye la sidiq jgn la sedih2 cdiq...
nnt aku akan blnje ko nye la..
ko jgn risau yer..
tunggu la sem dpan ye sdiq..
lmenyerrr T__T
kalu umur aku x pnjg cmne mal?? kempunan la aku T__T
ish ko nie..
xbaik tau ko ckp cm2..
ala gerenti nye la aku blnje ko nnt..
aku doakn kwn2 aku sem dpn panjng umo..
aik smpai sem dpn jer..abis sem2 yg lepas tu cmne..huhu
aku akan doakn kwn2 aku panjang umo sehingga la ke akhir hayat...
pape je la cdiq..
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